Michiel Lathouwers
PhD student
Bachelor Biologie (UHasselt)
Master of Biology: Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration (UAntwerpen)
Joined the group in October 2019
Research project: Assessing the effects of global change on avian migratory pathways: the case of the European Nightjar.
Migratory bird species have suffered severe population declines in recent decades. Since they are dependent on environmental conditions in different geographical areas at different times in their annual cycle, they are particularly vulnerable to global change which could be a potential driver behind their decline. In this project, I am using modern tracking technologies to study the migration patterns of European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus), an Afro-Palearctic migrant. I am investigating the role landuse and climate have in movement ecology during the migration period and space use at stopover sites and wintering areas. By combining this knowledge with scenarios of future landuse- and climate change I intend to model how long-distance migratory bird species will be affected by global change in the future.
My favorite quote: “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens” – Jimi Hendrix