Yander Diez Garcia
Postdoctoral researcher
Bachelor in Biology, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba (2011)
Master in Zoology and Animal Ecology, Universidad e La Habana, Cuba, April 2015.
Joined the group as a PhD student in October 2015
PhD project: Taxonomy and phylogeny of the marine rhabdocoel microturbellarians (Platyhelminthes) from Cuba.
Currently, I am working on the taxonomy and phylogeny of the marine Rhabdocoela, with emphasis in the fauna of Cuba and other tropical areas. I have conducted an intensive collect campaign of marine rhabdocoel microturbellarians in Cuba (2016–2018). I work on the description of new species and records of the known ones. Furthermore, I have checked the material deposited in UHasselt of species related to the Cuban species. In a second step, I conduct a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Koinocystididae and Thalassotyphloplanida.
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