Meet the team and our research interests
Come say Hello!

Tom Artois
Head of the team | Full professor
The study of biodiversity learns us more about ourselves than about the organisms we are studying.

Maarten Vanhove
Associate professor
Evolutionary parasitology is a prime playground to study biodiversity mechanisms. We also transfer biodiversity science to global South...

Nikol Kmentová
Postdoctoral researcher
Potential of parasites as tags for host population structure, demographic history and introduction pathways

Marlies Monnens
Postdoctoral assistant
Unravelling the secrets of meiofaunal evolution, one flatworm at a time.

Yander Diez Garcia
Postdoctoral researcher
Description of the new taxa of marine Rhabdocoela from Cuba and other tropical areas, with emphasis in the phylogeny of Koinocystididae and...

Martijn Bollen
PhD student
Many generations of ecologists have searched for patterns explaining the distribution of species, with modern statistics this search has become...

Camila Bosch Diaz
PhD student
Discovering the marvelous fauna of freshwater rhabdocoels from Cuba and its phylogenetic relationships.

Armando Cruz Laufer
PhD student
Parasites host specificity can vary considerably even at genus level. This study will investigate the evolutionary mechanisms causing these...

Vincent Cuypers
PhD student
The discipline of taxonomy is an interesting study object in itself. What are species? What do taxonomists think species are?

Claudia de la Caridad Sanjuan Hernández
PhD student
For first time the proseriate fauna of Cuba will be studied.

Jeffrey Jacobs
PhD student
Can green roofs compensate for the loss of biodiversity in an urbanizing world?

Céline Kowalczyk
PhD student
Investigating patterns in Nightjar genomes within and among populations to make inferences about their ecology and evolution.

Michiel Lathouwers
PhD student
How is the migration ecology of European Nightjars and other migratory bird species affected by global climate- and landuse change?

Leona Milec
PhD student
Population genomics and phylogeography of freshwater sardines in Central African lakes

Thomas Van Dijck
PhD student
Isolated urban green structures: platforms for a mind-blowing biodiversity.

Natalie Beenaerts
Guest staff member
As the project leader of the Field Research Centre of UHasselt I try to see, start up and mentor research and educational projects related to the...

Ruben Evens
Guest staff member
I’m studying the whereabouts of birds throughout their annual cycle. Using modern tracking technologies, I investigate their spatial use and...

Natascha Steffanie
Specialised laboratory technician
I provide technical support for the biodiversity and toxicology group.

Ria Vanderspikken
Specialised laboratory technician
I provide administrative support for the biodiversity and toxicology group.